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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Yesterday my husband, my e-cig and I went for a hike over in Berea, Ky to check out The Pinnacles.  It was sunny, pretty windy, and 50 degrees F so it was one of the nicest days we have had in a very, very long time.  We really looked forward to seeing the woods and getting some fresh air.  We slogged up hill through the shoe-sucking mood for quit a while, then the trail started to improve as we rounded the Right side of the knob.  The side we were walking on was still in the shadows and snow covered the underbrush.  As we looked Left at the opposite knob it was bathed in sunshine with no snow to be found.  It was there that we met a guy who was missing his mojo, i mean "Mojo" as in his dog's name.  Turns out he ignored the leash law and let his hound-mix off for a run several hours before we met him on the trail.  The guy was looking pretty low and forlorn.  We promised to watch for his dog and we hiked on.  About an hour later we found "Mojo", just before we were to start the final ascent to the East Pinnacle.  "Rats" i selfishly remarked outloud.  Mojo was spoiling my valentine plan of giving Bill his card while we rested at the top overlook.    Bill leashed Mojo with his belt and we immediately started back down to the parking lot so we could hurriedly reunite Mojo with his lost owner.  They were so happy to see each other it made the half-a-hike worthwhile. Nothing a Turtle Waffle Bowl Sunday from DQ couldn't fix.  Afterwards I vaped in the car with the windows up marvelling over my husband's patience and how much I love him.  Share the love!


  1. You guys are the reason I have such a passion for animals :)
